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Ecommerce Store Improvements

SEO Case Study: Comprehensive SEO Improvement in 30 Days


This Ecommerce store, a Canadian retailer specializing in e-ink devices and paper-like tablets, partnered with Jordan Bruneau and his team to enhance their SEO and amplify their online presence.

The Ecommerce store encountered several SEO roadblocks hindering their growth. These included:

  • Low Ranking in Search Results: The store struggled to secure top positions for relevant keywords, hindering their organic traffic generation.
  • Backlink Deficiency: The website lacked a robust backlink profile, failing to establish as a trustworthy authority in the e-ink device market.
  • Content Thinness: Website content was sparse, offering minimal value to potential customers and failing to engage search engines.
  • Mobile Usability Issues: Website wasn’t optimized for mobile devices, potentially alienating a significant portion of the contemporary web audience that relies on mobile browsing.


The primary goal was to improve overall website SEO performance, increase visibility on Google Search, enhance structured data usage, improve WordPress functionality, optimize for targeted keywords, fix Google Merchant Center errors, enhance Google Business Profile, increase domain score, and produce engaging content.

Strategies and Implementation

The team implemented a multifaceted SEO strategy designed to address the store’s specific challenges. The strategy encompassed the following elements:

  • WordPress Optimization: Installed a child theme and optimized site performance and functionality.
  • Backlink Acquisition: The team implemented a strategic backlink acquisition campaign to bolster the store’s domain authority. High-quality backlinks from reputable websites were secured to signal the store’s trustworthiness and credibility to search engines.
  • Keyword Research & Targeting: A meticulous keyword research process was undertaken to identify the search terms the Ecommerce store’s was being searched for . Researched and targeted 100 keyword variations, focusing on long-tail and competitive keywords for content ideas.
  • Content Optimization & Creation: Website content and meta descriptions were meticulously optimized to incorporate these target keywords organically, enhancing their content’s relevance and search engine ranking potential. Furthermore, new content was created, including informative blog posts and compelling product descriptions, to enrich the website’s value proposition and user experience.
  • Mobile Optimization: Website was meticulously optimized to ensure a seamless user experience across various mobile devices. This catered to the growing mobile browsing trend and ensured the store remained accessible to their target audience whenever and wherever they searched online.
  • Structured Data & Rich Snippets: Implemented structured data across key pages, aiming for rich snippet acquisition.

Other work done during the project:

  • Google Search Console enhancements
  • Rich snippets optimization
  • WordPress assistance
  • Google Merchant Center fixes
  • Google Business Profile optimizations
  • Comprehensive reporting


  • Visibility & Traffic: Improved site visibility and traffic metrics through increased clicks, impressions, and indexed pages (from 3 to 64).
  • Structured Data Success: Enhanced site’s structured data, laying the groundwork for rich snippet acquisition.
  • Keyword Performance: Developed a robust keyword strategy that laid the foundation for content creation and SEO targeting.
  • Content Impact: Initial pieces of optimized content boosted site relevance and engagement.


The 30-day SEO campaign resulted in significant improvements across key SEO metrics such as website performance, visibility, and engagement, setting a solid foundation for advanced SEO and marketing strategies.

By addressing the critical SEO challenges the ecommerce store faced, Jordan’s team empowered them to achieve their primary goals of augmenting their online visibility and driving sales growth. This case study underscores the importance of comprehensive SEO strategies that encompass keyword research, content optimization, backlink acquisition, and mobile responsiveness to achieve long-term success in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

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